Hope Community April Public Meeting
April 22 @ 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Please join us in our next Public Meeting on April 22nd! Olivier Charles, President of Bishop State Community College, in Mobile, AL, will be our special guest speaker. He will be sharing the exciting history behind Bishop State and historically black college’s in general. This is a great opportunity to learn more HBCUs.
Olivier Charles has been serving as the president of Bishop State Community College since 2022. Charles expressed that this role is his dream job and plans to retire at Bishop State. His love for Bishop State and his community, growing up in the Campground neighborhood, always reminded him that opportunity was within his reach. With a background in higher education, Charles has served as the Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management at the University of West Alabama and as Director of Admissions and Recruitment at Auburn University at Montgomery. Prior to becoming Vice Chancellor for Student Success, Charles served as Dean of Students at Enterprise State Community College.