We had a lovely evening under the oak trees at the Anna T. Jeanes school on Saturday, April 6, 2024 as Hope Community’s friends and volunteers gathered for our First Harvest potluck. Shared below are some thoughts from the event.

Who knew one salad could have such an impact?
@hopecommunityal had our First Harvest potluck today, and what a turnout!
@cheffalcore and I recently had the honor of coming on board with this amazing group of people who are volunteering their efforts, equipment, carpentry skills, horticultural expertise, time, and so much more to breathe life back into historic spaces that hold major significance for the surrounding community.
The spaces are already evolving, teaching is already happening, soil is being turned, seeds are being planted, people are being fed, and the community is already growing together.
I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
@loriejward I can’t thank you enough for the energy and resources you selflessly pour into the world around you, and for inviting me to be a part of this mission.
Please go to our website to learn more and join us at our next event!

Have you ever lived in a place that didn’t have community? I have.
Beautiful places, but even though you may know your neighbors, there was no real way to be in community. No town center, no volunteer opportunities.
I never realized how very important community is to the human spirit until I lived in Fairhope, and then became a small business owner in Fairhope and my community grew, and THEN became involved in Hope Community and this sense of community arrived! And it is wonderful!
Last night our board member John Fitzgerald, suggested we harvest the beautiful greens at our raised beds over at the Anna T. Jeanes School and have a potluck!
It was a glorious night and the community came out! My beautiful friend Dominique Kline, who is the grower at The Hope Farm educated us on the best way to harvest lettuce, then each person took their turn contributing to the harvest. We then cleaned our harvest and combined our salad with a bunch of goodies and my favorite homemade salad dressing.
Dr. Mark Hammond blessed our bounty and we dined on the most amazing plant based dishes from everyone! We played games, sat under the ancient oaks, planted a few Marigolds in our new raised beds.
My heart is full and my belly! I’m so encouraged that the grander mission for www.hopecommunityal.org is closely on the horizon. It’s an exciting time to get involved. Please reach out if you have interest.
We are also hosting a fundraiser right now with a matching donation. Anything helps us reach our goal to reach the community to grow and consume their own food! Just go to the website and it will lead you to the donation site.